Environmental health and safety is something that is just starting to be monitored among governments and companies in the twenty first century. You may remember the tomato scare where the FDA let bad tomatoes enter the market. These tomatoes had salmonella and made thousands of people sick. The FDA is constantly looking for new environmental engineers to take on new engineering jobs with their organization. You could be the engineer who figures out a system that keeps people from ever eating bad food again. Many people think engineers only deal with rockets and trains, but engineers are also involved in developing systems that save lives.
Maybe you want to get one of the engineering jobs that saves the lives of children. This holiday season hundreds of children will die of lead poisoning. This happens because there are few environmental health restrictions that are placed on Asian governments. Unfortunately, Asia is responsible for making many of the toys that our young children play with. The problem here is that the levels of lead are only detectable by extremely expensive machines that most toy stores do not have. Most toy stores do scan their toys for lead poisoning, but the tools that they have does not show the presence of led. You could be the engineer that develops a new method of searching lead in toys. This could save thousand of lives all over the world. This is just one of the many amazing engineering jobs available in the twenty first century.
There are different exciting engineering job opportunities to choose from like an ESH Manager. If you are an animal lover looking to save fish from mercury poisoning, you could be the engineer that develops safe manufacturing and disposal systems for Mercury. Millions of people as well as fish die of lead poisoning every year. By researching new methods of disposing of mercury, you will save countless lives every year.
You may remember athletes having problems with smoke during the Olympics last year. Perhaps you want to become an environmental engineer and help reduce smoke in urban cities. By doing this you will help reduce breathing problems in people throughout the world. Many people die of asthma attacks and other related breathing problems every year. By getting one of the many environmental science jobs, you will be able to save countless lives.
If you are unsatisfied with your current job, then switching over to a career in the environmental health and safety industry might be right for you. This industry is extremely rewarding for several reasons. You get to protect the environment and save endangered species depending on what field you decide to enter. Another great thing about this field is that you can save countless lives every year. This job is not like a normal job because you get to make a difference and even save lives.
The world gives you so much. You only have one life to live so by switching into this wonderful industry you can start becoming a better person and give back to society. These jobs save lives. By saving lives, you will be able to sleep peacefully at night knowing that people are still living because of the wonderful work that you are doing for them. I would highly recommend getting an engineering job in the environmental health and safety industry. It is an industry where you can earn a great salary and help people at the same time. Start following your dream and begin working to save the environment.