They determine what age group would use the toy, what would be the competition for the toy on the market, and how the toy would be made. New designs are submitted constantly to toy manufacturers by the in-house design staff and outside designers interested in selling a new product. For some of the larger companies, at least one third of the designs that are produced come from non-company employees.
The designer creates several sketches of what the new toy will look like, even from different angles if necessary. The materials to be used may be listed and the potential cost of production of the toy using these materials would be figured out. The sketches move on to the research and development department. There, they research the potential sales of the new toy. Determining how appealing the toy is, what age group would use the toy, and how well similar toys have done in sales are all areas that the research and product development analysts departments will investigate before beginning to produce the new item.
If enough potential is seen in the new design, then models are made of the toy. The design department engineers, artists, and model markers construct prototypes of the new toy so development and testing can see and use these toys to judge the quality and interest in the toy. Testing a toy means giving it to the children to play with while trained observers take notes on the use of the toy. Suggestions for improvement in design, size, color, and other areas that the observer notes will be passed back to the design department for potential incorporation into the next stage of the toy’s design. If the toy is changed then the toy will go through another period of trial and observation.
Child testers, the children who use the toys during the testing period, are normally participants in a company-sponsored or university sponsored play-group. Child care centers and school groups may also be participants. Observers are often specialists in child development, child psychology, or pediatrics. With the help of one-way mirrors and unobtrusive viewing positions, trained staff note which toys are used frequently and creatively and which toys are ignored or used only briefly. The collection of toys on the floor may include several of the company’s toys, some of the competition’s, and the experimental toys.
While the observation end of the research team is at work, the marketing research team is out collecting information. Consumer research involves asking parents questions about the toys they have purchased and their experience with the toys. This may mean standing in a shopping mall questioning parents coming out of a toy store, sending questionnaires to customers, or conducting in-depth phone interviews with parents. The information they gather will be used to determine the quality and desirability of the products they have already produced, and they can find out the types or styles of toys the parents are looking for but have not found. For example, it was through consumer requests that the toy industry began producing black, ethnic, and boy dolls.
As to its health and safety jobs, the engineering and safety experts continue with the investigation into the new toy’s viability. They conduct stress tests on the new toy to make sure it is safe, reliable, and relatively indestructible in the hands of the child. The mechanical and functional parts are tested for wear and strain. If the toy is for small children, the sizes of the pieces that make up the toy have to be checked to be sure they cannot be swallowed. Each age group has certain limitations for what is safe in a toy design.
The U.S. government has established a voluntary age grading guideline to assist parents in selecting appropriate toys for their children for safety purposes. The guidelines are based on four areas: physical ability, mental ability, play needs and interests, and the safety aspect of the toy. For a child under a few years old, small objects can be swallowed and should be avoided. Even for a child that is above average in mental skills, the physical coordination required for toys in the age group above may be beyond the capacity of the child. All four aspects of the toy’s use have to be considered by the toy maker and in cases where the toy may be dangerous to younger children, hence additional warnings that are included on the package.
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